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Pricing Calculator for Musicians Selling Services

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Set a profitable rate for your work as a classical musician with a pricing calculator that does the math for you.

Maybe you've asked yourself: What is my time worth? How much should I charge for a 30-minute lesson or a 2-hour gig? What about a 5-minute composition or an arrangement for a wedding? How much should I charge for a consulting session or coaching call? Is there a formula for that?! (Yes, yes there is.)

The problem is that without an understanding of the numbers involved, pricing is usually arbitrary and subjective—what we feel is fair or reasonable for people to pay.

There are two problems with this approach:

  1. We usually underestimate the time and resources involved in performing the service
  2. We don't account for overhead expenses, taxes, and other components of running a business that need to be built into the price
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To help, we created a pricing calculator (with three built-in pricing formulas) specifically for service-based musicians.

  • Calculate your Materials & Labor Costs (even if it's just your time)
  • Analyze and track your overhead expenses and costs of doing business
  • Determine your profitable hourly rate based on where you live and your level of experience
  • Learn about the various components that make up your price (+ make sure you're building these in)
  • Set a profitable price for your services (triangulate your price using three built-in pricing formulas)
  • Know how much to set aside for taxes each quarter
  • Calculate your gross profit margin to ensure your price is profitable

When you know *how much things cost*, how much time you’re investing, and the other components that need to be built in, you can set a price for your services that's fair to the market and profitable for you. This takes emotion out of the equation, which helps you communicate your price with confidence.

Knowing what to charge for gigs and services as a classical musician shouldn't be a guessing game. Instead, it's a numbers game. Set a fair and profitable price with a pricing calculator designed specifically for service-based musicians.


This pricing calculator is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. The information provided in this calculator and resource guide is not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional who is aware of the facts and circumstances of your individual situation. We expressly recommend that you seek advice from a financial advisor familiar with your specific situation.

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